Posts Tagged ‘n95’

I would like to announce that my second PyS60 project called IdeaList is near it’s first alpha release! Today I’ve done another milestone in it’s developement and I decided to no longer keep the project secret. So what does IdeaList do? Why did I create it? Simply because I believe that there’s nothing more precious […]

I usually don’t write posts about software since I could have written about mobbler, but this time I found something that makes the jaw fall… πŸ™‚ Yeah, I bet that every advanced s60 user tried at least once in his life an app called S60Ticker. Today stoeger it gives to our hands the new 1.05 […]

I’ve been searching for a really long time for a perfect solution for google calendar and n95 sync. I’ve tried the gcalsync app but it had many bugs, and today I found something completely brilliant it’s called GooSync.   GooSync   gcalsync   Instalation It goes thru simple web registration, completed with sms sent to […]

Today I spent a lot of time playing with my phone. I sent geotagged photos using Shozu to my flickr account while being near access point’s (hot-spot’s) in Plaza shoping centres in Rybnik. When I returned home I had another thing to do. My maps hadn’t been working yet, so I had to download the […]