Archive for the ‘Nokia N95 8GB’ Category

It’s a trick Β that makes posible to write polish characters on your mobile in Python editor using Nokia SU-8W. All that’s needed is PyS60 installed with appuifw2 module. To write a polish letter press Alt Gr + Key, where Key is the usual key under which polish character is hiden. Few things that I could […]

This short video intends to show you shortly how to use IdeaList application and how can it simplify your daily time management. IdeaList is completly free and open on GNU v3 licence. Feel free to download it from: Mobiola Screen Capture demo (not working quite well) was used to do this video so it […]

I would like to announce that my second PyS60 project called IdeaList is near it’s first alpha release! Today I’ve done another milestone in it’s developement and I decided to no longer keep the project secret. So what does IdeaList do? Why did I create it? Simply because I believe that there’s nothing more precious […]

I usually don’t write posts about software since I could have written about mobbler, but this time I found something that makes the jaw fall… πŸ™‚ Yeah, I bet that every advanced s60 user tried at least once in his life an app called S60Ticker. Today stoeger it gives to our hands the new 1.05 […]

Today I’ve released pyAsk 2 in beta 4 (I’ve quickly found some bugs in previous betas). The software was created with an intention to bring educational software to mobile phones and it was written using only a mobile phone (n95 8gb) with external keyboard (SU-8W) during bus rides to school :). PyAsk is now an […]

So you want to code on your phone, huh? indispensable tools which you’ll need depend on what phone you have. Here I will show you what do you need to install if you have a s60v3 nokia phone with at least 64mb of RAM, like N95, N95 8GB or E90.Β  If you don’t know how […]

I sold my old N95 and I bought N95 8GB – Ninja as some say πŸ™‚ I haven’t written any review yet, but this phone is totally awesome. It takes everything to another dimension, although there are a few things that should be fixed. Here some of my +/- + Bigger screen great for watching […]