Posts Tagged ‘project’

After some consideration I decided to change the name for a moment to make it less confusing for other people, because the project indeed is focused on the connection between Unity and Vray over 3dsmax, but the main core will allow everybody to use it for their own purpose with any software with a FBX […]

I would like to announce that my second PyS60 project called IdeaList is near it’s first alpha release! Today I’ve done another milestone in it’s developement and I decided to no longer keep the project secret. So what does IdeaList do? Why did I create it? Simply because I believe that there’s nothing more precious […]

Writing everything on this blog has a lot of positive sights. Firstly I can easily and quickly find any information that I need, due to excellent tag system. I don’t have to worry (at least I believe so :P) about the safety of my data, cause there are not in my drawer or even hard […]