Posts Tagged ‘n95 8gb’

I would like to announce that my second PyS60 project called IdeaList is near it’s first alpha release! Today I’ve done another milestone in it’s developement and I decided to no longer keep the project secret. So what does IdeaList do? Why did I create it? Simply because I believe that there’s nothing more precious […]

So you want to code on your phone, huh? indispensable tools which you’ll need depend on what phone you have. Here I will show you what do you need to install if you have a s60v3 nokia phone with at least 64mb of RAM, like N95, N95 8GB or E90.Β  If you don’t know how […]

I sold my old N95 and I bought N95 8GB – Ninja as some say πŸ™‚ I haven’t written any review yet, but this phone is totally awesome. It takes everything to another dimension, although there are a few things that should be fixed. Here some of my +/- + Bigger screen great for watching […]